METCON studies and creates spaces for food processing, standardization of agricultural products, standardization of olive oil, wine, edible oils, citrus fruits, and related products, using suitable and certified materials and methods of their application.

Many times, foods contain hazards and their consumption can potentially cause illness to the consumer. These hazards can be pathogenic microorganisms (e.g. Salmonella), dangerous chemicals (e.g. pesticides), or foreign objects (e.g. glass) that are transferred to the food from the raw materials, equipment, personnel, and generally from the environment through direct or indirect contact.

The production of foods free from the above risks should be the goal of every business and can be achieved:
  • By implementing a food safety management system that ensures the production of healthy food. The most well-known system is the HACCP system (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points) of the business
  • By applying hygiene rules
  • By providing proper training to personnel, and finally
  • • Through effective control of their products

Our company is able to provide you with effective and fully integrated solutions and construction projects, in order to ensure that the hygiene standards that a business must apply in its production area (reception areas, storage, preparation, processing of food) to ensure the safety of the food it produces or manages, are compatible and consistent with the desired outcome. These measures are related to the building facilities and equipment of the company, but also with the processes it follows, including the production process stages (procurement, transportation, receipt, storage, preparation, processing, and disposal).

The most effective approach to preventing and controlling foodborne illnesses is the implementation of the HACCP system - Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points. The term HACCP stands for Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points, and in Greek it is recommended as ACCSE which stands for Analysis of Risks and Critical Control Points. This system aims to identify the risks associated with any stage of the production process, storage, and transportation of food up to the final consumer, and then applies effective control processes to produce healthy and safe products.